Corporate Name
Home Country
The date of the decision on amending the right to provide cross-border services
The date of receiving the right to provide cross-border services
Services provided in Estonia
Service country Service name
2. Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting)
7. Trading for own account or for account of customers in any of the following:
7a. Money market instruments (e.g. cheques, bills, certificates of deposits)
7b. Foreign exchange
7c. Financial futures and options
7d. Exchange and interest-rate instruments
7e. Transferable securities
8. Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues
11. Portfolio management and advice
3. Financial leasing
6. Guarantees and commitments

Financial Instruments

  Investment services and activities Ancillary services Data reporting services
  A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 D1 D2 D3
Financial instruments C1 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C2 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C3 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C4 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C5 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C6 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C7 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C8 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
C9 X X X X X X X     X X   X X X X      
Tabeli selgitus
Last changed: 30/04/2021 - 12:24