Commercial Union Polska Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen na Zycie S.A.

Corporate Name
Commercial Union Polska Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen na Zycie S.A.
Home Country
Services provided in Estonia
Service country Service name
Lisa 1
term and whole life assurance ( I. The assurance referred to in Article 2(1)(a) excluding those referred to in II and III )
birth assurance and marriage assurance ( II. Marriage assurance, birth assurance )
birth assurance and marriage assurance ( II. Marriage assurance, birth assurance )
birth assurance and marriage assurance ( II. Marriage assurance, birth assurance )
term and whole life assurance ( I. The assurance referred to in Article 2(1)(a) excluding those referred to in II and III )
tontines ( V. Tontines, referred toi n Article 2(2)(a) )
Last changed: 21/08/2018 - 16:22