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The date of receiving the right to provide cross-border services
Services provided in Estonia
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239/73 Lisa
Lisa 1
Accident ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.1. )
term and whole life assurance ( I. The assurance referred to in Article 2(1)(a) excluding those referred to in II and III )
Sickness ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.2. )
Insurance on survival to a stipulated age
Land vehicles ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.3. )
birth assurance and marriage assurance ( II. Marriage assurance, birth assurance )
Railway rolling stock ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.4. )
annuities ( I. The assurance referred to in Article 2(1)(b) )
Aircraft ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.5. )
unit linked life assurance ( III. The assurance referred to in Article 2(1)(a), which are linked to investment funds )
Ships ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.6. )
tontines ( V. Tontines, referred toi n Article 2(2)(a) )
Goods in transit ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.7. )
Management of an occupational pension fund
Fire and natural forces ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.8. )
Other damage to property ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.9. )
Motor vehicle liability ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.10. )
Aircraft liability ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.11. )
Liability for ships ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.12. )
General liability ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.13. )
Credit ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.14. )
Suretyship ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.15. )
Miscellaneous financial loss ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.16. )
Legal expenses ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.17. )
Assistance ( Directive 73/239/EEC Annex A.18. )
Last changed: 26/02/2019 - 11:40