PTA Grupp AS

Name PTA Grupp AS
Date of Registration 07.11.2006


Corporate name PTA Grupp AS
Commercial Registry Number 10175491
Address Akadeemia tee 33 , 12618 Tallinn
Phone +372 6710 700
Fax +372 6710 709
E-mail [email protected]

Conditions of the Prospectus and Offer

Registration Number of the Prospectus 4.3-4.9/2012
Date of Registration 07.11.2006
Date of the Prospectus Supplement  
Type of the Securities Offered Share
Volume of the offer  
Amount of the Securities Offered 37947211
Nominal Value of the Securities Offered 10
Beginning of the Offer 05.09.2006

End of the Offer

Basis for prospectus