AS Inbank

Name AS Inbank
Issuance Public offering, listing and admission to trading of bonds
Prospectus registered by Finantsinspektsioon
Date of Registration 27.11.2023


Corporate name AS Inbank
Commercial Registry Number 12001988
Address Niine 11, 10414 Tallinn, Eesti Vabariik
Issuer’s website

Conditions of the Prospectus and Offer

Registration number of the Prospectus 4.3-4.9/5333
Date of Registration of Prospectus 27.11.2023
Date of Registration of the Prospectus Supplement  
Type of the Securities Offered Debt security
Host Member State of the Cross-Border Offer  
Volume of the Offer The volume of the program is up to 35 000 000 euros; The volume of the second series is 6 000 000 euros, with the possibility of increasing up to 12 000 000 euros
Amount of the Securities Offered The program offers up to 35 000 bonds; The second series offers 6 000 bonds, with the option to increase to 12 000 bonds
Nominal Value of the Securities Offered 1 000 euros
Beginning of the Offer Second series: 29.11.2023
End of the Offer Second series: 08.12.2023
Basis for Preparing the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council; Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980 Annex 6 and 14