Finantsinspektsioon has issued a precept to AS PRFoods requiring it to publish its annual report


A precept issued by Finantsinspektsioon requires AS PRFoods to publish its annual report 2020/2021 in accordance with the Securities Market Act.

Securities issued by PRFoods are traded on the regulated market organised by Nasdaq Tallinn AS. The Securities Markets Act requires issuers to publish a report on their financial year within four months of that year ending. The financial year for AS PRFood ended on 30 June, and so the annual report should be published by 1 November at the latest.

The Financial Supervision Authority Act § 54 (5) gives Finantsinspektsioon the right to disclose, in full or in part, a ruling made in a misdemeanour matter, an administrative act or an administrative contract if this is necessary for the protection of investors, clients of financial supervision subjects or the public, or for ensuring the lawful or regular functioning of the financial market. This decision may be appealed at the Tallinn Administrative Court within 30 days of notification of the administrative decision.

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