Consob (Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa) has ordered the black out of 5 following new websites that offer financial services illegally:
“Krakcoin Trading” (website www.krakcoin.co);
Europe Investment Group Ltd (websites https://euroinvestgroup.co and https://euroinvestgroup.limited and its related pages https://cfd.euroinvestgroup.co and https://cfd.euroinvestgroup.limited);
FX-Rocket Ltd and FX-Rocket Private Bank (website and its pages and);
“IBSasset” (website https://ibsasset.co).
The number of sites blacked out since July 2019, when Consob was given the power to order the black-out of websites of fraudulent financial intermediaries, has thus risen to 1130.
Consob has also prohibited the offer to the public of financial products made respectively by Amlight-italianinvestment via the websitewww.amlinght-italiaivestment.net, Shellinvestments via the website https://shellinvestment.net and Promo Art Invest Srl also via the Facebook page https://facebook.com/watch/promoartinvestsrl.
The Amlight-italianinvestment, Shellinvestments and Promo Art Invest Srl had already been suspended for a period of 90 days.