Consob (Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa) has ordered the black-out of 7 following new websites that offer financial services illegally:
- “AxiaGroup” (website https://axiagroup.co and its page https://my.axiagroup.co);
- “Mirabaud Group Ltd” (website https://algoproai.com);
- “Zodiac Speck” (website www.zodiacspeck.com and its page https://webtrader.zodiacspeck.com);
- “Finance Advice” (websites https://finance-advice.pro and https://finance-advice.cc);
- “Aifactor Group” (website https://premiumaifactor.vip);
- “Incore Investment” (website https://incore-investment.net and its page https://client.incore-investment.net).
Financial frauds also spread on Whatsapp - Morgan Stanley and Blackrock brands improperly used as bait - Consob warns against the risks of illicit offers that can mislead savers (Press Release of 18 November 2024)